

Content was developed by Amanda Timler, Mariana Jorge, Gabriella de Mori and Jaya Earnest from the Centre for International Health at Curtin University.


Website developed by
Jonathan Hallett | Tierraist Design




about this website

This website will provide you with resources to assist you to support students from refugee backgrounds.

It covers 3 main areas:

        • Voices of refugee students
        • Support tips
        • Additional resources

The content was directed by interviews undertaken with students from refugee backgrounds who currently study at a university in Western Australia.



This website is the culmination of a series of research projects that wouldn't have happened without the support and hard work of the following.

1. Research Study 1 (2006 – 2007): Funded by Healthway: CIs (Jaya Earnest & Sue Gillieatt) RA: Tambri Housen

2. Research Study 2 (2008 – 2010): Funded by Healthway: CI (Jaya Earnest) RAs: Girma Molla, Gabriella De Mori, Amanda Timler, Mariana Galrao

3. Research Study 3 (2007 – 2010): Funded by Austalian Learning & Teaching Council (ALTC Project Grant) RAs: Girma Molla, Gabriella De Mori, Pat Faulkner

4. Research Study 4 (2010-2011): Supported by Vic Health & Healthway: CI (Andrew Joyce) RAs: Nida Iqbal, Alana Russo, Genevieve Silvagni

5. Research Study 5 (2012 ): Supported by Family Planning Queensland & CIH: Master’s research project by Claire Rogers - supervised by Jaya Earnest (Intergenerational study of reproductive health and contraceptive use among Eritrean and Sudanese mothers and daughters)

6. Research Study 6 (2012): Supported by Curtin University & Salvation Army (Victoria) : Doctor of International Health Project -  supervised by Jaya Earnest & Andrew Joyce (Living in two worlds: A study of Sudanese youth living in Melbourne, Australia)


about the centre for international health

The Centre for International Health at Curtin University aspires to advance learning to improve the health and wellbeing of people throughout the world through the creation, dissemination and application of knowledge in international health. The focus of our teaching, learning and research is on developing students' capacity to address health problems in marginalised vulnerable communities in high, middle and low income countries.

Our friendly staff are committed to providing our students with a rewarding and relevant learning experience. Centre of International Health academic staff are highly qualified and have extensive experience working in vulnerable communities.

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